
Asbestos was used in building materials throughout the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, tapering-off in the late 70’s and early 80’s.

Common areas where asbestos can be found within homes include drywall joint compound, plaster skim coat, vinyl floor tiles and mastic, vinyl sheet flooring (linoleum), acoustical (popcorn) ceiling, insulation, carpet glues, sprayed-on paint/texture, drywall patching, cement, etc.

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally fibrous mineral form that readily separates into fibers that are both strong and resistant to heat. Asbestos is currently found in some products, such as auto brake pads, because it has these unique natural properties.Asbestos was used in building materials throughout the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, tapering-off in the late 70’s and early 80’s.

Where can asbestos be found in the home?

Common areas where asbestos can be found within  homes include drywall joint compound, plaster skim coat, vinyl floor tiles and mastic, vinyl sheet flooring (linoleum), acoustical (popcorn) ceiling, insulation, carpet glues, sprayed-on paint/texture, drywall patching, cement, etc.

Why is asbestos dangerous?

Asbestos fibers, can become airborne and be inhaled or can be swallowed and can cause illness.  Symptoms from asbestos exposure may not manifest themselves for many years, so people may not even realize they were exposed. Asbestos fibers don’t dissolve, and the body can’t expel them easily, so over time, trapped asbestos fibers causes inflammation, scarring and cell damage that cannot be reversed.

What diseases are caused by asbestos?

Asbestos-related diseases include asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma.

Who can perform asbestos surveys to test the presence of asbestos in a home?

“Only samples collected by certified persons, or those in training to become a CSST under the direct supervision of a CAC, may collect same in compliance with Rule 1403”  (Source:  Rule 1403 FAQ sheet).  Certified persons include:  Certified Asbestos Consultants,(CAC) and Certified Surveillance Technicians (CSST).  Building inspectors are also qualified to take samples and are considered ‘in training’ to become a CSST.  Hamilton Testing Services Inc. is resourced by two certified asbestos consultants who oversee and supervise all surveys and report writing.  They oversee our industry best practice sampling processes methods and provide direct supervision to our building inspector who is in training to become a CSST. All findings will be placed in a formal report with the proper diagrams and documentation needed to comply with local, state and federal regulations from small renovation or repair projects to demolition activities!